First Christian Church, Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church, City of Towers, Squirrels, Raccoons, Garbage, Composting
Composting with Foragers
by Marietta Koeberle
B.S. Arch ‘21, M.Arch ‘22 University at Buffalo
As a way to feed species that we co-habitate with, clean up streets, reframe landmarks, and bring a new consciousness to waste in society; a community composting iniative is being proposed. Residents of Columbus, Indiana can bring their compostable materials to a lot near the First Christian Church. Species can sift through the compostable materials and find meals. The excess materials are sorted and decompose into compost which the residents can use at home.
This intervention is a way for people to become more conscious of what they throw away and how that can impact species as well as the environment. This new system of composting could change the way landmarks are viewed and could clean up areas where garbage is stored in cities.
by Marietta Koeberle
B.S. Arch ‘21, M.Arch ‘22 University at Buffalo
As a way to feed species that we co-habitate with, clean up streets, reframe landmarks, and bring a new consciousness to waste in society; a community composting iniative is being proposed. Residents of Columbus, Indiana can bring their compostable materials to a lot near the First Christian Church. Species can sift through the compostable materials and find meals. The excess materials are sorted and decompose into compost which the residents can use at home.
This intervention is a way for people to become more conscious of what they throw away and how that can impact species as well as the environment. This new system of composting could change the way landmarks are viewed and could clean up areas where garbage is stored in cities.